
video production

Revolutionizing Video Production for B2B Tech: The Secret to Scalable, Cost-Effective, and Fast Content Creation

August 16, 20242 min read

Revolutionizing Video Production for B2B Tech: The Secret to Scalable, Cost-Effective, and Fast Content Creation

Video content is one of the most powerful tools for B2B tech marketers, yet many companies struggle to produce enough high-quality videos to meet their marketing demands. However, video production doesn’t need to be time-consuming, costly, or complex. By focusing on three key pillars—unlimited video creation, swift turnarounds, and dedicated project management—companies can scale their video marketing efforts more efficiently and effectively. Here's how:

Unlimited Video Creation

Scalability is crucial for effective video marketing. Many companies believe that creating video content requires massive budgets and endless resources, but that’s no longer the case. With unlimited video creation services, businesses can request as many videos as needed without worrying about additional costs or scope creep. This flexibility allows you to align your video content with your marketing goals seamlessly, producing everything from top-of-the-funnel brand videos to mid-funnel animations and bottom-funnel product demos or customer testimonials.

The misconception that video production has to be expensive often holds companies back. In reality, you need 10 times more content at 60% to 70% less cost than traditional video production methods. By adopting this model, businesses can produce more video content on a regular basis, without blowing their marketing budgets.

Swift Turnaround

Speed is everything in today’s fast-paced digital marketing landscape. How often have campaigns been delayed because video content was stuck in production for weeks? Quick turnarounds are essential for staying on schedule, and with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) in place, companies can typically expect revisions and complex edits within 24 to 72 hours. This fast production cycle helps keep your marketing campaigns running smoothly and provides a competitive edge by allowing you to engage your audience faster than your competitors.

While others are overthinking their video content, you can push yours out quickly, capturing that valuable audience attention before it moves on to the next shiny thing.

Dedicated Account Manager

Managing video production can be overwhelming, especially with 80% of the process being project management. This is where many marketers and business owners get bogged down. A dedicated account manager, who acts as an extension of your in-house team, can help ease this burden. With deep knowledge of your brand and marketing goals, the account manager handles the day-to-day logistics, ensuring your video content is always aligned with your marketing objectives.

Not only do they manage the production process, but they also provide strategic guidance. From advising on the best video length to determining impactful titling, your account manager leverages the latest B2B video marketing data to ensure your content drives the results you need. By having this dedicated resource, you can focus on higher-level marketing strategies while your video content is expertly managed from conception to distribution.

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Lindy Belley

The Senior Marketing Manager at Financial Services HSO

“They're great at really coaching our team and our subject matter experts on how they can do it themselves to reduce the amount of time.“

Leah Baker

The Senior Brand Engagement Manager at Stoneridge Software

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